st. xavier's college, kolkata artinya
- st.: jalan
- kolkata: kolkata; calcutta; kalkuta
- church of st. francis xavier (melaka): gereja saint francis xavier melaka; gereja st. francis xavier
- st. francis xavier cathedral, grodno: katedral santo fransiskus xaverius, grodno
- st hugh's college, oxford: kolese st hugh, oxford; kolej st hugh, oxford
- st john's college, hamilton: kolej st. john's, hamilton
- st john's college, oxford: st john's college, oxford; kolej st john, oxford
- st peter's college, auckland: kolej st peter; st peter's college, auckland
- st. bede's college, shimla: kolese st. bede, shimla
- st. paul's college, macau: kolese santo paulus, makau
- xavier: xavier; saint francis xavier
- college: kolej; maktab; perguruan tinggi; college; kolese; akademi; institut; universitas
- economy of kolkata: ekonomi kolkata
- mosques in kolkata: masjid di kolkata
- transport in kolkata: transportasi di kolkata